Itxaropena daukat soberan. Eta badakit. Aspaldi agindutako promesa hura itxaropen osoz itxoiten nabil oraindik eta egun luzeak pairatzen ditut atearen aurrean aita lanetik itzultzeko zain nengoen bezala. Eta zeinen kuriosoa den zorionak aurpegiz aldatzeko duen gaitasuna! aitarena, amarena, umearena edo eguzkiarena apika. Neurea ordea, ezin asma. Neure epilogoa ez du inork … [Read more...]
No Madman’s Story
The rain fell incessantly, a dreary, monotonous drizzle that I found oddly comforting. As people hurried past, their colourful umbrellas providing a stark contrast to the sombre backdrop, my gaze was drawn to the man seated on a bench. Each heavy droplet seemed to land on him with purpose, yet gently. Although quite far from where I stood, I could sense the rhythmic … [Read more...]
The night
At a time when the sun sets, At a time when the day falls asleep, At a time when the moon appears and the owls serenade; Another world ascents. A world where nature comes to life, A world where streams flow willingly, A world where the skies sparkle with thousands of colors, his world; it's night. Darkness rises like a raging wind, The shadows manifest with … [Read more...]